How much does it cost?
There is a commission due on each booking that is fulfilled - there is no cost if no bookings are made. ARC charges a small marketing fee which is used to promote your property.
Do I get charged for each enquiry or booking that
comes through?
No, the commission is only paid for a booking if the customer goes ahead.
This means that there is no risk as you do not pay for the lead unless
the order is fulfilled.
Do I qualify?
To qualify you must meet the following criteria:
- Provide ARC with a choice of high quality serviced apartments
- Booking and payment facilities
- Dedicated customer service via phone and email
- Capability of fulfilling high quality customer service
I only have one apartment do I qualify?
If you have one property with a number of apartments, ARC
will be happy to consider you as a partner. If you only own one apartment or individual unit you do not qualify to be an ARC partner.
If I qualify, am I tied to the ARC in any way?
There is no obligation to promote your apartments with ARC. The partner program provides an opportunity to promote to an international audience. You may remove apartments at any time.
How do I find out more?
Complete the Partner
Application Form for more details.
Does ARC offer other opportunities to promote our
properties to customers?
ARC provides 'Featured Apartments' that
are shown on the home page, dedicated 'Featured Apartments' page and on
specific city pages. ARC also offers "123 Listings" which guarantees a top position on search results in a specific destination. Details of these can be found once you are accepted as a partner and have logged in - ask your account manager for more details. Apartments that offer added incentives to ARC customers will also be promoted via the "ARC benefits" program. Contact
us for further details.
How do I know that the booking has come from ARC Corporate Housing?
The ARC booking enquiry form will be sent to you by email, with a unique reference number.
How do I track the amount of commission due to the ARC?
Your personalised partner area details each booking referral that you have been sent - you must confirm or decline each booking. ARC will then email you a statement detailing the amount of commission due.
What if I forget to report the fulfilled bookings?
You are obliged to report all fulfilled bookings to ARC. Partners who inaccurately report bookings that are fulfilled will be removed from the ARC Partner Program.
More Questions? For any further questions please complete the partner application
form or call +44 (0)700 598 0745.
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